Triodent® AdaptiVe Wedge™

Transparent Anatomical Wedge

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Instructions for Use (IFU)

The AdaptiVe Wedge saves time by facilitating excellent matrix retention and adaptation, with the added benefit of transparency, making it possible for you to initiate curing through the wedge.

  • Transparent wedge allows light to pass through
  • Suitable for all Class II cases, whether or not you want to initiate the cure through the matrix band
  • Notches enhance flexibility for outstanding matrix adaptation and retention
  • Facilitates a superb matrix seal on the gingival margin
  • Gentle on the papilla

Technical Details

Sizes for Any Scenario

The AdaptiVe Wedge is available in four sizes to ensure a complete seal no matter how large or small the embrasure.

Flexible Notches

The AdaptiVe Wedge takes the concept of the Triodent® Wave-Wedge one step further by adding notched flares to the gingival side of the wedge. These notches are highly flexible so the wedge can perfectly adapt the matrix to the tooth in any preparation.


The fact that the AdaptiVe Wedge is transparent means that light can pass through it, so it will allow you to initiate curing while the wedge is still in place.


Placing the AdaptiVe Wedge


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I know which AdaptiVe Wedge is the right size for the interproximal space?

    It is important to remember that these wedges are only for matrix adaptation, not tooth separation. There are four sizes of AdaptiVe Wedge. Each wedge has small notches along the sides that essentially divide it into three segments. When the right-sized wedge is used the matrix will adapt and seal. Deformation can only occur if the wedge is too large for the embrasure. For optimum adaptation of the matrix, choose the largest wedge size that will fit the interproximal space. If the wedge deforms, choose a smaller size. Size selection is critical to make the most of its adaptation capabilities, but becomes simple and routine after a very short time.
  • Is there anything I can do to speed up or streamline my workflow when using the V3 Matrix System™?

    A really good thing to do is for your assistant to pre-load matrices and wedges in Triodent® Pin-Tweezers. The tweezers hold consumables securely in their passive position, so they can be ready for use, already loaded, on the operatory table. The same can be done with the Triodent® V3 Ring in Triodent® Forceps with the locking bar engaged, but do not leave the ring extended for too long.

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